

Promote and represent Republican values within the 28th legislative district by connecting with and educating voters. Identify and support Republican aligned candidates who listen to and engage with 28th constituents and support our vision for the 28th.


A beautiful, thriving 28th Legislative District that is safe and affordable. A district with civically minded voters who are engaged and invested in the election process and uphold conservative values. 


As Republicans, we stand for true diversity. That includes diversity of thought. We recognize that not everyone thinks the same way; we don’t exclude, label or put people in boxes.

Public Safety

We believe you have the right to live in a safe environment. We also believe in the God-given right for every person to be freely independent without the fear of injury, tyranny, or loss of life.

Economic Prosperity

A free-market economy is proven to be the best tool to create a prosperous society. With big government comes big problems. Regressive tax-structures, over-regulation of small businesses, and bureaucratic red-tape stifle economic opportunity.

Educational Choice

All kids should have a top-notch education. As the party of liberty, we support public schools as well as the right to educate your child as you see fit.

Having a choice in education is the best way to decrease the educational opportunity gap, increase graduation rates and promote equity in our schools.

Lower Taxes

Democrat-sponsored tax increases—from proposed gas taxes to increased property taxes—are disproportionately hurting minorities in the our district and around the state. We don’t believe that’s right or just, and it’s certainly not progressive.

Our Goals

  • Provide a well-trained and informed Republican PCO in every 28th LD precinct.

  • Develop locally proven communication strategies for PCO precinct use. 

  • Obtain individual precinct past voting results data to determine party win/loss totals and support those precincts within the 28th that re red and those that could swing to red. 

  • Maximize precinct voters awareness of the Republican party platform, party-based issues, and core values. 

  • Develop and distribute literature identifying local, state, and national issues that activate voter’s interest and possible involvement.

  • Have a full slate of candidates for office seats in the 28th for each election cycle.

  • Equip and train volunteers to help with campaigns.

  • Encourage voter participation in electioneering or GOTV activities, i.e. write editorials, join an outreach group, door to door canvassing.